J.E.R.K. Fit

jerk fit iconJERK Fit is in it’s 4th year. It runs from mid October to mid October every year- it starts over after every JERK LNC Conference.  Every month, an email is sent out to the participants asking them how their month has gone and motivating them to get active in same way, shape or form.  The email will check in with you to ask if you have I lost weight, added daily exercise , changed your exercise regimen or made a change in your daily eating regimen.  Checking and accountability help you to stick to your program.     An article is also shared, and the article usually pertains to weight loss or healthy habits.  The JERK LNC that loses the most weight annually (by the JERK LNC conference)  receives a prize (usually a gift card, but that varies from year to year).  Every month JERKS “weigh in” by updating everyone regarding their weight loss, and the things they have done that month to become or stay healthy.  JERK LNC’s are asked to share articles they may have found regarding healthy living and weight loss.  : )

Anyone can join in, any time. This group is all about weight loss/weight gain, exercise, and health.  I encourage all to join in and share what helps them stay healthy and happy.

Please let us all know how you are doing. You do NOT need to tell us your weight, just tell us if you want to lose/gain X amount and by when. We will keep track of everyone’s progress.  This  JERK Fit adventure will end a week prior to the conference and a new one will begin after that.

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